“While You Were sleeping I Planted a Tree” (installation, textile, marker, acrylic ink, 230x150 each piece, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, 2021)

Nobody among us knew exactly when or where they would sprout. Sometimes it was so sudden: in the evening a small bud, by the next morning already a branching tree. For others they grew slowly, getting stronger day by day, and, until it became mature and ready to bear fruit, it was not certain if it was a birch tree or a cactus. Some were bothered by their tree and tried pulling it out to stop it from putting down its roots. But once you pull it out here, it will grow there. Others, on the contrary, got used to their tree so much that they couldn’t imagine another life, one without the tree or constant care for it. They knew it would remain long after they were gone, continuing to grow in all directions.

Sketches, color pencils, marker, paper, 20x30 cm each