“Republican Monopoly”, board game, variable dimensions, 2022

This playable board game is a result of my conversations with Republicans in Richmond, Virginia. It is a faithful copy of the original game with some extra rules or, to be precise, the lack of them. Players can “borrow” limitlessly from the bank, pay for each other, give each other substantial gifts, and otherwise behave in a manner that benefits them. Puppets represent Trump’s inner circle and some of his most media-famous supporters, like the QShaman (in art, as in life, he is often in jail during gameplay, no matter who is playing him). Participants can choose to be a Fox personality, a member of Trump’s cabinet, or a family member. The figures of Trump’s cronies can be manipulated manually in a game of Monopoly, which is an alternative to their standing and self-representation as master manipulators of opinions and facts.

Photo credits: Terry Brown